Star wars kotor 2 item codes
Star wars kotor 2 item codes

star wars kotor 2 item codes

Using the astrogation charts recovered from the Harbinger, Surik and her companions make their way to Citadel Station, the space station orbiting the war-ravaged Telos system.

#Star wars kotor 2 item codes series

As they fly into an asteroid field surrounding Peragus II, the Harbinger fires at the Ebon Hawk but misses and hits one of the asteroids, triggering a series of explosions which completely destroy the mining facility, asteroid field, and the Peragus system itself.

star wars kotor 2 item codes star wars kotor 2 item codes

Kreia, who has managed to escape from Sion, catches up with them and gets on board too. Upon reaching the hangar bay, they board the Ebon Hawk and fend off attacks from Sith troopers.

star wars kotor 2 item codes

Surik and Rand continue moving and meet up with T3-M4, which has been disabled earlier by the HK-50 assassin droid. Meanwhile, when Sion cuts off Kreia's hand with his lightsaber, Surik discovers her newly formed Force bond with Kreia when she unexpectedly feels Kreia's pain through the Force. As Kreia approaches the Sith Lord in an attempt to distract him, Surik and Rand escape through one of the ship's fuel lines. When Surik, Kreia, and Rand-in an attempt to escape from Peragus-board the Harbinger, they discover that the ship has been overrun by the Sith under Darth Sion. In the meantime, another ship arrives at Peragus: the Harbinger, the Republic capital ship transporting Surik to Telos IV before they ended up at Peragus. The HK-50 assassin droid, which claims responsibility for all the deaths and damage at the facility, tries to stop Surik from leaving but she destroys it. Surik eventually learns that the HK-50 assassin droid is after her because of a bounty placed by the Exchange on living Jedi since the collapse of the Jedi Order. The three of them seem to be the only persons alive in the entire facility, which is covered with dead miners and crawling with assault-programmed mining droids that are "mining" organics. She explores her surroundings and finds a smuggler, Atton Rand, whom she frees from a force cage. With 3C-FD's help, T3-M4 manages to dock the ship into the Peragus Mining Facility, where Surik is put into a kolto tank in the medical bay, while Kreia, assumed to be dead, is placed in the morgue.Īfter regaining consciousness, Surik finds Kreia, who wakes up from her trance. In 3951 BBY, four years after the end of the Jedi Civil War, Revan's ship, the Ebon Hawk, emerges badly damaged in the Peragus system, with six passengers on board: two droids that belonged to Revan ( T3-M4 and a disassembled HK-47), two other droids ( 3C-FD and a HK-50 assassin droid), and two unconscious Humans ( Meetra Surik and Kreia). Gender, Force alignment, order of planets visited and other variables can differ depending on the input of the player.) Escape from Peragus (Note: This is based on the canonical female light side version of the game.

Star wars kotor 2 item codes